0Friday. 28th [February 1908]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 February 1908 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 28th [February 1908]. I went to Fortnum & Mason’s at 11 to fetch Charlie Wyld to go to York St Buckingham Gate where we wanted to see a carved wooden mantelpiece on sale. I am looking out for one to put in the library here in the place of the ugly black marble one now there. We rather liked what we saw for £15 & told the shop man to bring us the measures tomorrow morng. C. returned to business & I home. C. was tempted to buy the front of a high doorway in wood wh had formerly been at Vauxhall Gardens & wh was priced £5. I remember going to Vauxhall Gardens when I was abt 19 with my mother & Schrei. It was supposed to be rather a vulgar place but curious to see– I dimly remember walks with garlands of lighted lamps, dancing booths &c—& that it was not supposed to be proper to remain there very late. My brothers used to talk of going there often or to Evans’s a sort of music hall. Vauxhall ended abt 30 years ago & the site is now built over. Nellie & I walked to the Ritz Hotel at 1.30 where we were invited to lunch with Mr Duncan (Charlie W.’s friend) to meet Mr Ainsworth M.P. & his wife & Capt. Arthur Glyn. Charlie joined us also. The Ritz is a great building very grand & well appointed. Many parties were lunching there. At the table next to us was Lady Randolph Churchill & her young husband Mr West & her elderly son Winston Churchill. Nellie & I walked home at 3 & found my carriage waiting. We went for a drive leaving cards & paid a visit to Isabelle Lady Sligo whom I had not seen since she broke her leg last year while staying at Inwood. She now walks with the help of 2 sticks. Nellie left for the Tile House. Blanche came to tea & also Amy Percival née Layard & her daughter—just home from the Continent. Charlie came home at 6.30 & we dined together.

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