0Saturday. 29th February [1908]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 February 1908 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 29th February [1908]. On waking this morning found the roofs covered with snow & it was pretty cold all day. The man from York St came with the measures of the mantelshelf wh proved right & I decided to buy it. Charlie was here at the time & helped me to settle it & then he went off to the Tile Hse by 12 o’cl train. I lunched alone. At 3 went out driving called on Onie & saw her—also on Mrs Rate who was laid up in bed. She gave me lovely violets from Milton. Connie came to tea also Nora Hallé & Bee Eliot & also Lady Borwick. Connie remained on working at bead chains till 7 when I dressed & was fetched by Blanche’s motor & went to dine at 17 Cav. Sqr. Miss Skinner (Edward’s niece) was also in the motor & she & Gweneth & Blanche & I made a parti carré. B. took me to St James’ Theatre to see “The Thief” a very good play adapted from the French splendidly acted by Alexander & Miss Ireñe Vanbrugh. It was very affecting & according to my wont I shed many tears. There are only five actors in the piece & each did their parts excellently well. It is the best acting I have seen for years & the piece is very artistic.

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