0Friday. 6th [March 1908]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 March 1908 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 6th [March 1908]. Was down rather late. Sent off notices of the sale with Nellie. The Dss of Somerset came to consult about arrangements for the Sale. Nellie & I had luncheon together & then went out in the brougham. I paid a visit to Mrs Leverton Harris who has a lovely house in Gros. St No 70. Her drawing room is fitted with panelling taken from a house at Mill Hill Hampstead which had been fitted up by Charles IInd for the Css of Portsmouth & had been untouched since that time. The whole rooms is brown wood & looks quiet & comfortable. I then parted with Nellie & went off to Addison Road No 70 to call on Sir Edward Poynter who has had the operation for glaucoma on his left eye. While there the Dss of Somerset came & we sat & had a chat & I tried to persuade Sir Edward to pay me a visit at Venice in May. Got home at 5. Connie came to tea & Nora Hallé with work done for the sale– Mrs Clay Ker Seymer also came looking well & very amusing as usual. Nellie has gone home to the Tile House. Charlie & I went to dine with the Oranmores. Met Lord & Lady St Germans & Col. Wyndham Quin & Lady Limerick. The latter played on the piano magnificently all the evening & Onie sang a great deal & was in excellent voice. A bitter wet night.

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