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4 April 1908 — Rome | |
Saturday. 4th [April 1908]. General strike & no carriages out again tho’ motor cars were not interfered with. I went in the Embassy carriage with Fofka to the Borghese gardens to join Olga & helped her to arrange her wares for the Russian Bazaar wh was to have begun today. Just as we were leaving & returning to lunch we met the Russian Ambassadress who said it had been decided to put off the whole affair till Monday as the Queen would not be able to come to it. It was rather a comfort to have it settled & to be able to remain quietly sitting in the Embassy garden altho’ there was a chilly wind which drove us for shelter into the glass porch– Olga brought her lace designs to do & I my bead chains—& there we sat. Sir Fred & Miss Doreen Milner arrived from Naples to stay with the Egertons. Mr Whitaker went to the station with his motor car to fetch them & their baggage was brought by a hand barrow. I went to dine with Ct Phillippi & Css Vera Brazzà & met some pleasant Americans, father, mother & 2 handsome daughters called Taft. All spoke French perfectly. At 10 I was fetched by Mrs Akers Douglas & we went to join Olga at a musical party given by Misses Kemp. Barjansky played the cello & Miss Kemp sang. A fine well trained voice only she spoilt it by not pronouncing her words—so that one did not know what language she was singing. The house is a very pretty picturesque one in Via Gregoriana & was very tastefully arranged. The music took place in a kind of outer conservatory. | |
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