0Wednesday. 15th [April 1908]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 April 1908 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 15th [April 1908]. I went out after lunch– Called on Carry Eden whom I found has been long laid up with an attack of bronchitis & tho’ better has not yet been out. From there I went to the Hospital & found everything in excellent order & Sister Chaffey beaming as usual. On leaving there I called on the Brasseys on their yacht “Sunbeam” which was lying in the Bacino. They were not on board so I left a card asking them to come to lunch with me tomorrow & then went on to the Hotel Victoria to see Baroness Reinelt whom I found surrounded by Italian friends. I stayed a very short time promising to return tomorrow & went home to tea. Mrs Curtis called at the same time & we had a long talk. They had arrived here from Rome last Sunday. Played patience in eveng & went early to bed.

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