0Friday. 17th [April 1908]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 April 1908 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 17th [April 1908]. Good Friday. The ways of the church so newfangled. Instead of the usual morning service there was a three hours service from 12 to 3. I dont understand it & kept away. I went out in gondola at 11 to do some shopping & paid Angela Reinelt a short visit. Sir Charles & Lady Holroyd came to lunch with me. He is the 4th Director of the National Gallery I have known & is pleasant eno’. At 3 I went out in gondola to the hospital to see how things were getting on & then returned at 4.30 to send the gondola to meet the train de luxe which brought Nellie & Charlie Wyld, Sir John Craggs & Capt. Walsh to stay with me. They arrived punctually & were here soon after 5 for tea. It is Sir John’s first visit here so as soon as we had tea I took them all off to the Piazza & into St Marks & we returned home before 7. Today & yesterday were lovely warm days almost like summer. We went early to bed.

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