0Friday. 5th June [1908]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 June 1908 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 5th June [1908]. Hotter than ever. Rather lazy. Typed. Did accounts. Modelled. Went at 4.30 to V. & Murano Co where I met Mr Ash, Sir John Craggs representative who says he has settled the New Co & will leave tonight for London. Went on to Mrs Curtis where we found a large tea party going on– Stayed there till nearly 7 then hurried home to dress for 7.30 dinner to wh Mr Curtis also came. Had a trio eveng Trombini at Piano—Cassellari violin, Crepax violincello. They played Schumann in Re min. Op. 63 & Mendelssohns in Re min Op. 49. Played with great spirit. I turned over pages for Trombini so could scarcely judge but all highly approved. The Wiels, Dss della Grazia, Lady B. Hozier, Mlle Perpigna, Lady Helen Vincent came. Cassellari played Vitali’s Chaconne & Crepax an Andante of Grieg.

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