0Sunday. 7th [June 1908]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 June 1908 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 7th [June 1908]. To morning service & then to see Angela Reinelt, getting home in time for lunch. It was a tremendously hot, sultry morning & there were decorations of Madonna lilies in church for WhitSunday adornment & the result at church was very trying. But about 2 o’clock a big thunderstorm came on & torrents of rain wh suddenly cooled the air by at least 10 degrees & the rain continued as it was always scirocco. A good many people came to tea at 5 o’cl, Lady Blanche Hozier & her girl, old Countess Lutzow née Seymour, Mrs Hulton, Sra Presbitero & the Curtis. At 8 I went off with Baker to the Sailor’s Institute service. The Canon & Mrs Ragg came there late & we sang hymns till they arrived. They are leaving tonight for England & had brought their luggage to the “German’s” close by where they had also dined. After the hard days work of the Canon it is trying for him to be in the train all night. They are to stop at Lausanne tomorrow at 3! Verily they make their lives very uncomfortable & both are worn to shadows. Good Miss Bowyer was also at the Institute & said she was going to stay till 11 to see them off in the train. It was then only 9. I left & went home to dine & bed. Ola tells me that she has heard that Lady B. Hozier hid a queer part having eloped with a Mr Bartlett years ago—& people are wondering at my receiving her! I knew nothing abt it! & met her last winter at the Egertons. To me she seems rather eccentric—but is amusing & pleasant.

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