0Thursday. 27th [August 1908]—Castel Savoia, Gressoney St. Jean
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 August 1908 — Castel Savoia, Gressoney St. Jean
Thursday. 27th [August 1908]. Fine & hot—short walk before lunch. General Allason came to stay here & arrived for lunch at 12.30. After tea we took a walk & saw part of an Alpine Regiment which had come down from the mountains & were resting at chalets close by here. When the Q. passed them they were drawn up in line & saluted her. Sitting by the hearth in the evening the Q. talked to me of amusing English books such as Alice in Wonderland. I helped to make paper butterflies for the Ch. trees. The Queen was telling amusing stories to the Genl. She speaks very rapidly & sketches her sentences so that it is often difficult for me to follow her. She seems to enjoy telling stories. She told one the other day of when long ago she was talking to some gen d’armes—she asked him from what province he came—on his saying he was Sardinian she said “What made you join the corps.” He was silent for a moment & then said with a jerk “Maestà, cherchez la femme”!

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