0Thursday. 3rd [June 1909]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 June 1909 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 3rd [June 1909]. Took Lady Gregory & Mrs Forbes to Mrs Humphery Johnstons to have tea in her garden. It is a delightful place & they have very cleverly kept it exactly as it was in the old days when it belonged to the Contarini family—except that they have filled it with roses & lilies & other fragrant flowers. The Palazzo is at the Madonna dell’Orto & has some fine rooms in it & steps from it down to the garden so that one would imagine oneself to be in the country. There are also lovely views from the opening across the Lagoons to terra firma– The house known as “Dei Spiriti” is at the end of the garden—belongs to the Johnstons & he uses it as a studio.

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