0Thursday. 10th [June 1909]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 June 1909 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 10th [June 1909]. I lunched with Angela Reinelt at Hotel Victoria & later called for Ersilia Canevaro & took her to see over our hospital. I had a meeting with Dr van Someren there & ask for a consultation on the case of an English teacher Miss Thomas. She has been under Dr van S. for 6 weeks for gastritis during which time he has kept her on cold water alone & then ordered 8 strawberries & 2 cherries every 3 hours! I found the poor girl in fits of tears begging for milk—& so weak she could hardly move. Dr v. S. was much offended at my desiring a consultation with Dr Vitali & said that if he changed the diet of the girl he would give up the case. He acquiesced in the consultation but was very down on the matron for having anything to say in the matter. I told him she had not & that I regretted that he should always fall foul of the matrons as he had done so with our first one. Besides I said that he might find Dr Vitali would approve of the treatment he was pursuing & cd not understand why he should be against meeting him. After this I went over to the Eden’s garden & told him the whole story—also that I had ascertained that Dr Giordano objected to our allowing the German Dr Werner to do operations in our hospital & I thought this a very good opportunity of stopping Werner doing them as he was such a bad surgeon & had imperilled the lives of 2 patients in our Hospital. Dr Tommasini our house surgeon is deputed to give him notice of this. I dined with Mrs Curtis quite alone.

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