0Friday. 2nd [July 1909]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 July 1909 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 2nd [July 1909]. Avv. Franco came to call to say he had an offer of the house near the hospital for 4500 lire & advised me to buy it at that price. I went out with Genl de Horsey in my gondola. Went to bid Angela good bye & thence to the Eden’s garden to tell Mr Eden that Dr v. Someren has written to take his name quite off the Hospital books—so he & Werner has broken with us entirely. I feel however, sure that they must eventually return to us. I went to bid the inmates of the Hospital goodbye. Miss Thomas is recovering rapidly since the change of treatment. My 1st gondolier whom I sent in with typhoid is doing well—& all going as it should. This evening Ola returned from Florence where she left Hallam much better.

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