0Wednesday. 7th [July 1909]—Carlsbad
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 July 1909 — Carlsbad
Wednesday. 7th [July 1909]. Usual cure in morning. Breakfast at Pupps. Cold & rainy. Mrs B.J. & Connie went to tea at Posthof in afternoon to hear the concert. I went to Weishaupt to see Mr Cartwright & had tea with him at the Restaurant there. He was very interesting in his talk over old days & politics & Hartington & Bright & Gladstone & the Home Rule bills—& how Trevelyan had said he would vote against it & then ratted. After sitting a long time I set off to walk back to Fasolt & he said he wd accompany me– When we got to the bottom of my hill I begged him not to come up & to let me accompany him back to his hotel—but when I got there he would bring me back & then left me at the hill & walked back alone.

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