0Sunday. 18th [July 1909]—Carlsbad
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 July 1909 — Carlsbad
Sunday. 18th [July 1909]. Yesterday afternoon Connie had gone to write our names on Princess Stephanie & had seen her—& she had invited us both to meet her at tea this afternoon at Posthof at 4.30. We got there very late as we had to walk all the way on acct of the impossibility of getting a cab or a place in the buses. It being a fine day & a fête crowds were going up to Kaiser Park & Posthof & at the latter there was a tombola going on– The master of the Posthof was on the look out for us & conducted us to “Königliche Hoheit” who had ordered a table for herself. She welcomed me warmly. After tea we took a walk towards Kaiserpark in the woods & she let her dog “Monsieur” have a run. Connie & I walked back. The Pss & Baroness Gagern drove.

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