0Tuesday. 24th [August 1909]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 August 1909 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 24th [August 1909]. Connie was in town so I went to 68 Chester Square to take tea with her at 5. On entering her room I found her looking petrified. I feared something had happened to her children. She said “I am dazed. I have this moment had a telegram to say young Lord Eliot died this morng. My girl Evely left him yesterday in perfect health.” I said “suicide.” But we knew nothing & could only surmise. After tea we sorted out Venetian beads for the chains we make to sell for the Venice Hospital—& then returned together to 3 Savile Row for dinner. When Edward joined us he confirmed my suspicion & said that the poor lad had shot himself. Only 24 next week! with devoted parents & brother! How can it have happened. We were all shocked.

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