0Friday. 22nd [October 1909]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 October 1909 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 22nd [October 1909]. The Bishop left early this morning before we were up. I am much concerned as to his health. He told me his throat had always been delicate & that he thinks that he got it poisoned while working amongst the sufferers of the earthquake at Messina. I tried to begin to model again today—to finish a small statuette of a fisher boy wh I began 2 years ago. Nela sat for the model of the hands– Arbib came to see me but I worked on. Afternoon I went out with Nela in sandolo, shopped in Piazza &c. Went to Foldo the leather man to order a bag– His son told me they could not make such a thing—but afterwards at their shop a more intelligent young man cheerfully offered to do so. It is difficult to help these Venetians or to put a new idea into their heads!

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