0Sunday. 31st [October 1909]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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31 October 1909 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 31st [October 1909]. It poured so in the morning that Olga & I did not go to church. It luckily cleared just as I was starting for San Vio to attend the Brown funeral. Afternoon I & Olga went out to tea with Lady Fildes who live in the Casina [illegible word]. Hearing that Mr Price was ill we went to Casa [illegible word] where they lodge to see Mrs Price & enquire what ailed him. He is delicate & is knocked up. There is no service today at the sailors Institute in consequence, which I am glad of as I have an incipient cold. The Whitaker party & 2 young Gardeners came to call before dinner—& I sold them several bead chains.

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