0Monday. 15th [November 1909]—17 Cavendish Square
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 November 1909 — 17 Cavendish Square
Monday. 15th [November 1909]. Had a very good passage & reached London a few mins. after 5. Ola was at the Charing Cross station & Blanche sent her motor for me. It was nervous work arriving to hear all the sad details—but I was soon seated at tea with Blanche and hearing all the sad details of dear Monty’s death. He had made a short will in 1905 leaving all he possessed to Blanche & she & Edward executors. He had left a long letter to her saying that he knew all he had would have to be sold in order to repay the debt of £20,000 he had borrowed of Theodora for electioneering years ago. He has always paid £600 a year interest for it but has never been able to pay off the capital. In his letter he mentions Nellie Wyld, Mr Lawrence Drummond, Mrs de Terrière & myself wishing us each to have a memento of him. The day after I arrived I went with Blanche & Edward to Monty’s rooms 5a the Albany & there everything was just as he left it on the morning of the 8th when he went off to Sandringham. It was heartbreaking work opening all his drawers & displacing his papers & knicknacks. But it had to be done & we went there most afternoons tearing up letters of which there were great quantities. It was decided that the large collection of silhouettes, prints, china &c are to be sold at Christie’s in March & Christie says they are very valuable and with the contents of Monty’s house at Brighton ought to bring in over £20000. The debts to tradesmen are supposed to be about £2000—so Edward went down to spent a night on

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