0Friday. 26th [November 1909]—17 Cavendish Square
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 November 1909 — 17 Cavendish Square
Friday. 26th [November 1909]. at Inwood to talk it all over—& came back saying that Theo is willing to let them be paid & to take the rest in payment of her debt, so we are in hopes that all may end peacefully & that there may be money to satisfy all tho’ I fear that nothing will remain for Blanche– All these inevitable arrangements add a bitterness to ones sorrow—one longs to feel that money should not be mixed up with it– We got on with the work at the Albany & then Christie’s people came & carried everything away & it looked very empty & forlorn the last time I saw it—nothing left but the bedroom furniture wh is modern & which I hope to buy at the minor sale. The rooms Monty had were those where Canning had lived—the drawing room a fine long room with a big bow window & Adam’s ceiling– I have bought his bed & it is now at 3 Savile Row.

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