0Saturday. 8th [January 1910]—Bessborough, Fiddown, County Kilkenny
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 January 1910 — Bessborough, Fiddown, County Kilkenny
Saturday. 8th [January 1910]. Typed all the morning hoping to finish typing my mothers journal today. I did not, however, manage to do so as I accompanied Myles in the afternoon on a long walk to the kennels & beyond in search of a sick man in a cottage near Mr Wm Read the forester. We found the cottage but could not gain an entrance– We then went to Mrs Read to ask her about it. At that moment a heavy shower of rain fell & I was glad to get under shelter. Myles asked about the sick man & Mrs R. said the mother was very peculiar & would not let anyone in but she & Myles went together to have another try while I sat in the Read kitchen & waited. In a few minutes Mrs R returned saying it was all right & Capt. Myles had got in to pay his visit. I chatted with Mrs Read till he came back & the rain being over we started home. Myles says the sick man has been 7 or 8 years in the Irish Guards & is now attacked by Lupus in the nose & after an operation on it is shy of being seen. It is a sad case– He was doing well & is now useless. His mother is delicate & queer in the head. Home to tea & found the clergyman & Capt. Penrose calling. Patience in the evening. Tried to finish typing the journal when I retired to go to bed—but after 1 a.m. had to give up till tomorrow.

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