0Saturday. 12th [February 1910]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 February 1910 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 12th [February 1910]. Busy morning arranging books. After lunch I went to see Connie & while there Blanche called & took me away in her motor. At Hyde Pk Corner we got out of the motor & walked together to Savile Row. In the evening Lady Gregory left for Ireland. I went to dine with the D & Dss of Somerset. A large party. I did not catch the name of the man who armed me to dinner & I only towards the end of the meal found out that my right hand neighbour was the Duke of Newcastle. Lady Wemyss was of the party & Mr & Mrs Herbert Gladstone. I had a long talk with the latter in the evening & I found him very willing to talk of himself & his own performances. He told me that the old London hansom cabs are being driven out by the new taxi cab; that he had done so much towards ameliorating the conditions of the cabmen while he had been in the Home Office that he deserved that they should raise a statue to him. It was curious when one thinks that every one says that Herbert Gladstone is the most stupid & useless man possible & that the present Govt are sending him out to S. Africa in order to get rid of him! A nice look out for British Rule in that colony. We sat talking so long till suddenly on looking round we found the room was nearly empty & people were leaving & we had to hurry off.

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