0Wednesday. 16th [February 1910]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 February 1910 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 16th [February 1910]. I dined this evening with Sir Edward Poynter at 70 Addison Road. He had Admiral & Lady Markham staying with him and he is engaged in painting her portrait. She is not quite young, but is still very good looking & had a mass of beautiful gold hair which she wears simply in a plait round her head to which it forms a diadem– After dinner we all went into the studio to look at her portrait which does not quite do her justice—tho’ I think that since Sir Edward’s [eyes] are failing him & he has undergone an operation for                that his painting has improved as his great fault used to be that he put in too much detail & made his portraits hard. There were other people but I did not know them & only remember the Dean of Worcester a funny looking almost deformed looking man who sat next me at dinner & with whom I made friends. When I left to go home I gave him a lift to Paddington Station Hotel where he was lodging.

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