0Friday. 18th February [1910]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 February 1910 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 18th February [1910]. Today Onie’s little baby was buried at Ascot. My house party dispersed—& we all left about the same time in the afternoon. Nellie & Charlie & Mary A went to Tile House. I went to Brighton & met the Bessboroughs at Victoria Station. Gweneth & Marjory Skinner went down also. I had not been to Brighton since about 1867 or 8 before I married. It does not seem to me much changed. The weather was stormy, windy & rainy & I had a bad cold [&] was glad to get into the house. We stayed in Brunswick Square in Monty’s house having come to look over his papers & to see about the sale of his things. The house is quite full of fine things– Beautiful old English prints in such quantities that in every room they are hung up to the ceilings—& also in passages & on the staircase. Old Chippendale furniture, & cupboards filled with rare china. There is nothing that is not interesting or beautiful. The photographs of his lady friends stood on the tables—& also many of the King & Queen & other Royalties. It was very sad to think one had come to break up this pretty home & to disperse the fine things. Monty’s valet Woodrow was there to work & was to show us where things were to be found & he looked very sad as he took a personal interest in it all & said he himself had hung up over 3000 prints.

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