0Friday. 25th [March 1910]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 March 1910 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 25th [March 1910]. Good Friday. I could not go to church this morning as there was no regular service, only some new fangled invention for spending 3 hours in church—which I understand nothing about. Lady Walsham came & we had great pleasure in meeting once more. She is bright & charming as ever & we enjoyed talking over old times & she recounted what she had done of late years. Her husband was always rather original & I remember hearing that when he was Minister in China he never wrote home one dispatch in three years. When we were in Madrid together, Lady W. was a pretty mignonne sort of person & one used to wonder how she would ever grow old—she has lost her looks & is rather high shouldered but has kept her pretty bright manner. After she left—having partaken of a maigre lunch such as I was ashamed to have served so badly in my house, I went to see Angela Reinelt who was quite alone as all the Venetians were busy with their devotions. After sitting a while with her I went to afternoon service at our church.

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