0Wednesday. 30th [March 1910]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 March 1910 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 30th [March 1910]. Nela went off by the early train. I went in the morning to see Angela & we had talk about society here which she always says is very bad. She tells terrible things about the conduct of the Venetian beauty Css Anina Morosini whose morals are deplorable. Angela told me that the daughter’s suitors have always retired in consequence & the girl who is now 24 cannot get married. She declares that she cannot get attached to the most of the Venetian ladies & only she & I understand each other– To my surprise she said I am made differently to them all– I could not help thinking that there must be something in race & heredity and that what gives Angela higher ideals & feelings in some of the nobler blood than she has in her veins. She married 2ndly one of the richest men in Austria & was left by him very well off. She administers her fortune well & with kindness of heart—but she feels bitterly that she is made up to by most people for what they can get out of her & she has always to be defending herself from attempts to get money out of her not only for charities but for private expenses. One lady here that I know, went to her & cried poverty in such piteous tones that she gave her abt £100—part of wh was eventually spent on a new carpet for her drawing room! It seems incredible—but I know it as a fact. In the evening I went with the Bruces to the Sailor’s Institute to help at the weekly concert. There was little talent. Netta Bruce kindly officiated at the piano—& Mr Bruce sang a couple of Welsh songs.

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