0Monday. 2nd May [1910]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 May 1910 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 2nd May [1910]. Had a party of Italians to luncheon—Countess Helen Papadopoli, Css Brandolin, Mar: & Marr Pignone (she is lady in waiting to the old Dss of Genoa who had been lately so ill & is Queen Margherita’s mother), Lieut: Lovatelli & his wife, née Sacripante, Baroness Reinelt & Luigino Fraschetti. The latter played to us afterwards on the piano & was much applauded. We lunched at 1 & by 2.30 they had all left. At 4 started off in gondola with the Vivians & Luigino to go to the Lido to a roller skating party—we had not got very far when it began to rain in torrents so we returned to the Riva Schiavoni & took refuge under the arcade of the Piazza where L. left us. We sat & had tea at Quadri’s & then walked home. It was a cold & windy eveng.

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