0Monday. 16th [May 1910]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 May 1910 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 16th [May 1910]. Lady Helen Vincent, Miss Muriel Wilson & Sig. Malagola came to luncheon. I resumed this morning my work of typing out Henry’s letters in 1851 to Mr Ross which I have too long left unfinished. I am typing copy of any interesting letters of Henry’s wh will this be more easily read. After lunch I took a walk & on the way called on the Prices to see how she was. Found her a little better. Home by 5 as I expected Mrs Belkeley Johnson from London by the train de luxe arriving at 4.30. She arrived & after we had had tea I took her out in gondola as far as the Hospital & back. In the evening she, Ola & the 2 girls went out in gondola to see the galleggiante in the bacino & the Princess & I sat talking a little while before going early to bed.

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