0Sunday. 19th [June 1910]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 June 1910 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 19th [June 1910]. After morning service I went to Hotel Vittoria to see Angela Reinelt & wish her goodbye as she may have left Venice before my return from Bologna where I went by 2.50 train to stay with Donna Laura Minghetti. Her Eduardo met me at the station & I soon got to Mezzaratta on the hill where her villa stands & from the windows of which one looks down on the town of Bologna & the vast plain which extends on one side to Venice. I had left a heavy scirocco there & the air here so much lighter was a great relief. I found as usual, Ing. Prof. Faccioli staying here & a Senatore Ciamician calling on her. He is a professor of chemistry from Trieste & one of the last batch of senators made by the King. A quiet little man. He promised to return tomorrow for dinner.

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