0Tuesday. 21st [June 1910]—Mezzaratta, Bologna
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 June 1910 — Mezzaratta, Bologna
Tuesday. 21st [June 1910]. Donna Laura & I went down the hill on foot at 10.30 & then took place in train as far as the Piazza. Thence we walked to Romboldi’s the antiquarian to see what he had to sell. I thought we might find some wood panelling wh might do for our church at Venice & he told me he has also a pulpit about wh he is to let me hear later. There we met Faccioli & he & I went to the Archives wh Malagola had arranged & was anxious I should see. As Da Laura was waiting for us in a shop we could only go quickly through the things conducted kindly by the Director Sigr Malvezzi. On rejoining Da Laura we came back to the Villa in time for 12.30 lunch bringing the Fraticello (Faccioli) with us. There must have been a great storm last night & this morning in the plain as it was many degrees cooler in the evening & comparatively cold so that there were very few fireflies & we were glad to sit indoors & to play écarté when at 10 F. went off to Bologna. The life here is very peaceful & restful & is doing me a great deal of good in spite of the rheumatism in my hands wh is increasing.

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