0Saturday. 25th [June 1910]—Mezzaratta, Bologna
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 June 1910 — Mezzaratta, Bologna
Saturday. 25th [June 1910]. Another quiet day but there was a great wind blowing as a storm threatened wh did not reach us. This evening on the terrace the talk turned on Dante & patriotism & the Fraticello recounted to us some of his experiences when he fought in the war against the Austrians in ’48 for the Independence of Italy. He had been a volunteer & had been in active service three months—often being 2 days without food & always sleeping out in the open. He said he had never been so well before or since. He says the dislike of the Austrians was so intense in the country on account of their excessive & wanton cruelty. He believes that they will never rest until they have reoccupied the N. of Italy. That they are buying up land wherever they can & that the Lago di Garda is now nearly entirely in the hands of Austria.

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