0Thursday. 30th [June 1910]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 June 1910 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 30th [June 1910]. My Dr came to see me & prescribed for the rheumatism in my hands that I should go to take the baths of Salso Maggiore this summer. I will think about it. After paying my daily visit to Baroness Reinelt I met Ola in the Piazza & there happening to meet Miss Bowyer & Mrs Stainer gave them afternoon at Quadri’s. As Miss B. said she was going to a lodging today on acct of her servant having suddenly left her I begged her to come to stay with me wh she accepted & arrived after dinner. I dined with the Edens to meet Mara Cassis who is spending a few days with them. Ola also dined out.

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