0Friday. 1st July [1910]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 July 1910 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 1st July [1910]. My 67th birthday. Ola & I went to lunch with Lord Anglesey on board his splendid big yacht the “Semiramis” where is a large party, Ld & Ly Ingestre (sister) Mrs Rupert Beckett, Mr Colton &c. They were all very pleasant people & it is nice to see really well bred English ladies in their simple white muslin frocks with large plain white straw hats & black veils—such a contrast to the over dressed Venetians. The yacht formerly belonged to the American Drexel & was called the “Margarita” & Lord Anglesey is in despair at the vulgarity of the fittings & furniture wh are in the French style & had much gilding abt them wh he had painted over & is gradually reforming the furniture. It was blowing rather hard when we left the yacht at 2—& it was much cooler. I went to bid Angela Reinelt goodbye as she leaves Venice tomorrow & thence walked home. Miss Bowyer was in for dinner & we played patience afterwards.

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