0Wednesday. 24th August [1910]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 August 1910 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 24th August [1910]. Malagola paid me a visit. Left Venice by 2.15 train for Belluno. In the train was a lady with whom I entered into conversation. She told me she had been in the train wh went to Calabria to fetch away the wounded in the earthquake & had worked as a nurse. She belongs to the Red Cross & is ready to go to work if the cholera lately broken out at Bari increases. She said she is going to Belluno to give a conference on the “Women’s religious league.” We exchanged cards & she proved to be Dona Christina Giustiniani Baridini—the daughter of people I had known at Rome in former years—who are also English peers. When she got out at Belluno she was met by 3 dirty looking priests & common looking women with black veils on their heads—which rather took away the poetry of the thing in ones mind. Mrs Eden met me & carried me, Baker & luggage to the lovely villa at Salce. There I found Mr Eden well but depressed over the illness of one of his little dax dogs & he was having a consultation of vets. One of whom gives him hopes. It is so nice to be back with these good friends in this lovely country surrounded with mountains not too high for human comprehension—& the lovely view from the terrace of flowers, looking over the valley of the Piave towards Feltre. The terrace grassed & with a border of stately flowers on each side is kept entirely by Carrie Eden, there being no other gardener, a beautiful herbaceous border. We went to bed at 9.30 as the Edens are up early in the morning.

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