0Thursday. 25th [August 1910]—Salce, Belluno
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 August 1910 — Salce, Belluno
Thursday. 25th [August 1910]. Breakfast in my room. Resumed my study of Dante wh I always reserve for my visit here. Lunch at 12. The Italian autumn maneuvers are going on & the valley is full of troops—much bugling & popping of guns & mitrailleuses & muskets—but owing to smokeless powder one does not know whence it comes. The electric light in the villa which has just been laid on was lighted for the first time this evening—cause of great excitement & delight. It is a great boon in this big old house wh was always ill lit with its benzine lamps & a great trouble to the servants. Being now used to electric light everywhere it seems very strange to be without it.

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