0Saturday. 27th [August 1910]—Salce, Belluno
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 August 1910 — Salce, Belluno
Saturday. 27th [August 1910]. Was woke about 6 by great firing & found on looking out that this villa was being taken by storm by the Italian troops who came rushing up the hill with shouts. It was a pretty & exciting sight. They finally marched off in good order tho’ the firing continued much later in the day and the grey uniform of the soldier was in all directions. In the afternoon we drove over to call on the Wiels at Socchieva & there met a large party from Vena d’Oro, some baths close by who came over in a motor car. Sra Vitali, the wife of the Dr & also Senatore Molmenti & his handsome wife were of the party. I took a stroll with Molmenti who is pleasant & interesting & spoke feelingly of what Henry had done for Venice. He said he would like to come & see me some day at Venice but it must be in the morning as he could not put on the “frac” & come in the evening. The Italian seems never to dress for dinner & look upon it as an English fad. I wonder whether they wash their hands for dinner?

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