0Monday. 5th [September 1910]—Salce, Belluno
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 September 1910 — Salce, Belluno
Monday. 5th [September 1910]. Poured with rain & was very cold. Quite late it cleared & Carry took me to call on “Siora Rocchele” who has an old fashioned villa in this village with a huge old kitchen. It has a hooded chimney & a high hearth on each side on wh are benches for people to sit. There are small holes in the walls to hold lights &c & there are tall iron dogs to hold the necessary poker tongs &c. From a chain over the fire hangs the pot for boiling. All round the room were ringed plates against the wall quite up to the rafted ceiling. There was a small room beyond the kitchen into which we were shown as being more honorable than the kitchen. Before leaving we were shown the room wh in the other side of the hall door corresponds with the kitchen. It has a wide chimney piece but the room is used only for lumber & only contained numberless bird cages used for snaring the poor feathered beasts—the caccia of the country—& bycycles wood &c. It is sad how this country is devoid of birds owing to the cruel way in wh they are pursued & shot down by every man & boy who can pay for the licence to carry a gun. The country suffers by it from invasions of caterpillars &c.

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