0Saturday. 3rd [December 1910]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 December 1910 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 3rd [December 1910]. I dined with Mr Curtis & Mr Latimer & went with them to the Rossini to hear Bellincioni in the “Cavaliere Rusticana” & “Pagliacci.” There was a full house “theatrone” as they call it here. The Bellincioni is no longer young but she is a great artist & manages her voice very well. She is an excellent actress & was well supported. She was much applauded. Unlike most singers she is thin & active & has the remains of good looks. It is very seldom we have such a good performance here. I have now seen a good actress in the “Cavaleria”. I saw Duse in the prose play—& prefer her as more dignified.

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