0Tuesday. 10th [January 1911]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 January 1911 — Rome
Tuesday. 10th [January 1911]. I drove out today with the Cassis. In the evening the Queen received ladies in the white & gold drawing room many came with their husbands—mostly ladies of the 2 Courts– They arrived before 10 & was gone away soon after 11. The ladies sat in a big circle round H.M changing places from time to time. After a while the Queen rose & went round talking to one & another. The doors of the new dining room were thrown open & a table with light refreshments stood prepared with cup or a sort of sherbert, bonbons & cakes. The room is not yet ready for use but the Q. was anxious to show it to the ladies. There were Ct & Css Gianotti, Dss Grazioli Lante, the Del Grillos &c &c many of whom I knew amongst them Mara Cappelli who offered to drive me tomorrow in the morning.

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