0Thursday. 13th [April 1911]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 April 1911 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 13th [April 1911]. Holy Thursday. Went to morning service with Eda & then on to the Piazza where Eda went to St Marks to see the Patriarch wash the feet & I went to the Hotel Victoria to see Angela Reinelt & thence walked home. She talked much of the extravagance of Pss Stephanie who is not very rich & of how much she is now disliked in Austria who look down on her for having married Ct Lonyay. After lunch we went out in gondola to see Mr & Mrs Eden in their garden—which is lovely with spring flowers. They have only just begun their daily reception in the garden as it has been too cold. Today the sun shone brightly tho’ the air was cold—such a cold spring is odd—but the elements all the world over are in a curious state this year. Went on to see Bss de Pury at 5 & she gave us tea. Her husband is very unwell—& I fear that she has sad times before her. A funny old American artist one “Burns” came to call on her whose hold on the French language was feeble. He began by asking her “Est ce que vous êtes meilleur.” Luckily the Baroness was able to continue the conversation in English. I went from here to see Mme Noce who is a prisoner from a broken hip which will never quite mend—& on to Mrs Whitaker getting home at 6. Eda went after 6 to St Marks to hear the “tenebre” & only returned just in time for dinner. We had a quiet evening.

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