0Friday. 14th [April 1911]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 April 1911 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 14th [April 1911]. Good Friday. Eda went to the 3 hour service in the church 12 to 3—when she returned we went out together in gondola—to see Angela Reinelt where Eda left me. I went for a few moments to Mrs Curtis & thence walked to San Vio for the 5.30 service. From there I walked to leave a note for Mr Brown & on to call on Sigra Malagola to wish her buona Pasqua—on to the Piazza to buy an Easter offering for Mr & Mrs Price our chaplain & his good wife—and on home where I arrived about 7.30. Cav. S. Arbib paid us a visit in the evening. I wrote a long letter to Queen Margherita telling her of my return home & to wish her buona Pasqua at Torino where she is passing the holidays with her mother.

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