0Sunday. 28th [May 1911]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 May 1911 — 3 Savile Row
Sunday. 28th [May 1911]. Nela & I went to St James’ Church Piccadilly & heard a wearisome sermon from an Irish Bishop asking for money for the Spanish & Portuguese churches. If I had had the intention of giving a large contribution it would have had the effect of diminishing it every 15 minutes. As soon as we returned home we set off again in the electric brougham—Nela to lunch with Mr Arbuthnot, I drove to Beaver Lodge Hammersmith to lunch with Sir Wm & Lady Richmond. They have a delightful old fashioned house with a large garden into which the sitting rooms open. Met there Mr & Mrs Fuller Maitland. He is the great musical critic– There was also Mrs Spillman—handsome & picturesque & a Mr               . We sat out of doors after lunch & took a turn in the garden wh is entirely surrounded by houses tho’ not overlooked. Sir Wm took me in to his studio which is full of his works & he kindly promised me a drawing to add to the collection I had here on my staircase & which is now becoming quite important. At 3 I left the Richmonds & drove home passing thro’ a continuous stream of motor cars conveying people out of town for the afternoon– What a difference from the London of my youth when not one moved out of their houses if it were not to go to church or to take a solemn walk with their families! At 4 o’cl I walked to Bruton St to see Lady Humphreys & there on to 35 Gros. Sqr to the Dss of Somerset & after a short time Lord Kitchener came in & the Duke & Capt. Williams his secy. There was a discussion as to copyist & the Dss showed some excellent copys she had got hanging up & we concluded her client was decidedly to be recommended & after some chatting & drinking tea we departed. Connie & her girl Evely came to dinner with Nela & me. I received a splendid photo from Lord K. in his uniform with his bâton in hand, but looking stern & martial & rather alarming.

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