0Tuesday. 30th [May 1911]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 May 1911 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 30th [May 1911]. At about 3 Connie telephoned to ask if she could come & dine tonight & I said I would be delighted to see her. Went out driving & on my return at 4.30 found another telephone message from Connie saying she could not come as she had grave news about Stephen Eaton. Later Evely called me on the telephone to say they had heard that he was dead & that Connie was gone down to Tolthorpe. This is a shock to us all but we have no further news. Arthur Layard came to tea also the handsome Miss Rathborne we had met in Egypt on Mr Theodore Davis’s dahabeeyah & Lady Agneta Montagu & Oranmores– Later Blanche came & I walked with her to Cav. Sqr. Aunt Felicia telephoned to ask to come this evening to see me so I begged her to come to dine as I was alone—Nela having gone off to stay with Cornelia in Harrowgate & Charlie Wyld dining at a regimental dinner. Felicia very pleasant as is her wont.

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