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3 June 1911 — 3 Savile Row | |
Saturday. 3rd [June 1911]. I drove down to Springfield in the electric brougham fetching Bessborough at 11 a.m. & taking him with me. Springfield Lodge belongs to Mrs Rate & is a ¼ mile from her house Milton Ct near Dorking. When I left 1 Queen Anne St & came to live at 3 Savile Row with my brother Monty I hired Springfield as a small English home & put some of my extra furniture there. I was there very little myself & chiefly lent it to my sister Maria who was rather failing in health—but Mrs Rate proved a tiresome neighbour, objected to the Du Canes being there so that I quietly wrote to Mr Rate & said I was not keeping on the house. This was 16 years ago & now the Bessboros have taken the cottage for a short time to use for getting away from London season in the height of summer. It is a pretty little place under Kenmare hill—quite solitary & quiet. Blanche motored down by tea time bringing Myles & Rita (the fiancés). Very hot. | |
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