0Friday. 2nd [June 1911]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 June 1911 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 2nd [June 1911]. The man came to wash my hair wh being long & white requires to be done pretty often in this London climate. It is always tiring to me so I did nothing else all the morning. Walked with Nellie who went out to lunch & I went on to 35 Grosvenor Square to lunch with the D. & Dss of Somerset to meet Mr & Mrs Loeffler who are going to take us in their yacht to see the Naval Review on 24th. They are quite young people & Mrs L. is rather pretty. Sir John & Lady Forrest & Lady Agneta Montague & Sir Claude Macdonald were the rest of the party. I sat between Sir John Forrest & Mr Loeffler. Sir John is stout & red in the face—homely & pleasant. I had to leave before coffee was served in order to go to have my wrist electric bath—the last of the series. Came home at 4 & rested till 5. Charlie Wyld came in to tea & went off to Tile House. I dined alone & got early to bed.

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