0Thursday. 1st June [1911]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 June 1911 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 1st June [1911]. Still fine & warm—wonderfully so for England. Canon Ragg returned about 11 intending to stay the night but being anxious to be at Stephen Eaton’s funeral finally decided to return to Tickencote so I gave him early lunch & sent him off. Mlle Dussau & Miss Grigsby came to lunch with Nellie & me. Miss G. was very smart with a parure of large turquoises set in diamonds. Nellie & I drove—left cards & took a turn in the Park & home to 5 o’cl tea where I found Sir Edwin Egerton waiting to see me. He was looking wonderfully well & it was pleasant to see him again. Later his wife came & carried me off in her yellow motor for a tour round Hyde Pk. Blanche came also to tea & tells me that Stephen Eaton died quite suddenly of heart failure. Poor Bee it is very sad. Lady Vivian dined with Nell & me & we had a pleasant quiet evening. Charlie who had been to spend the day at Hardelot near Boulogne in France came back just before she left & we retired to bed.

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