0Monday. 11th [September 1911]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 September 1911 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 11th [September 1911]. at 4.45. The train luxe was very empty on acct of the cholera scare– In the beginning of the summer there had been a few cases here but the authorities at once took such stringent measures that the disease was quickly stamped out. Then when the public began to be reassured the water supply suddenly failed owing to the breaking of the tube which conveys the water from the main land. Of course this & a few more cases of cholera & then there was a fresh Exodus– The water has long since been restored—the authorities have had the town kept in the best order as to cleanliness—but in vain very few people come here. Of course, the hotel keepers in Switzerland take good care to spread the evil reports of the health in Italy & thereby keep their own house full. I constantly get letters from friends asking for advice on the subject. I answer that my having come here myself is a proof that there is no danger but that they must decide for themselves. I am very pleased to be at home once more in this quiet town & shall not repine at the want of tourists even tho’ amongst them they might have been acquaintances. I have lived such a rushing life since I went to England in May that I am glad to be quiet, & even in an empty house for a little while. Baker & the Cook arrived this night by the express train wh left Calais a few minutes after I did.

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