0Saturday. 30th [December 1911]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 December 1911 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 30th [December 1911]. Left by 2.30 train for Bologna—several people came to the station to see us off & the result was that we stupidly left our tickets in Giuseppe’s pockets! The train was moving out of the station when I discovered that we had not got them. Baker screamed—but in vain– Luckily Sig. Arbib was at the station to see us off & had got the traffic manager to give us his special protection so by the time we arrived at Padua, a telegram met us giving us the authority to proceed without tickets. In the train we met Count Gino Marcello & Sigr Torrioti met us at Bologna & between them they procured us a compartment in the train to Brindisi so that we passed the night undisturbed.

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