0Thursday. 25th [January 1912]—Luxor
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 January 1912 — Luxor
Thursday. 25th [January 1912]. We drove out to Karnak at noon to lunch with M. & Mme Legrain. There was only Mme L’s mother there. M. Legrain gave me a detailed description of his griefs against his superior with the hope that I should enlist the sympathies of Lord Kitchener in his behalf– He seems really to have need of it—but it is a bore for me to have to put one of my fingers in the pie. Mme Legrain took us down to her kitchen garden on the Nile where the water entrance is to Karnac & which in honor of the D. of Connaught they call Port Arthur. We went in a little tram cart pushed by 4 natives a very pleasant way of getting over a straight dusty road– At 3 we drove back to Luxor & at 4.30 walked along the Nile to the Hotel Savoy to call on Marquesa Guadalmina & found her & her son sitting on the terrace overlooking the Nile at tea. We returned to our hotel thro’ the town.

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