0Monday. 5th [February 1912]—Cairo
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 February 1912 — Cairo
Monday. 5th [February 1912]. Eda went off to the Museum with Mr Ralli. I sat quiet & rested in the morning. Capt. FitzGerald has gone off on some military duty for a couple of days. Lord Colum who is taking care of us in his absence sent us, Eda, Mr Ralli & me to the Pyramids to pay our respects to the Sphinx. We went in the motor, a rapid draughty means of conveyance. We were back to 5 o’cl tea at wh Lord Kitchener joined us but he was soon called away to visitors. We generally only see him at meal time. Mr Ralli left by the evening train for Luxor so our party is reduced– It is very difficult to converse with Sir Fred Milner on acct of his deafness—one has to get close to his ear—by comparison with him Eda is not really deaf. Lord K. talked at dinner about wild shooting in the Sudan & described a herd of 150 or more elephants he had seen there last winter when travelling with Capt. McMurdo. In the evening I brought out a pack of patience cards & I & young Milner showed each other different games of patience & Lord K. sat by occasionally helping & dosing being worn out.

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