0Tuesday. [9th April 1912]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 April 1912 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. [9th April 1912]. Mr Ralli & Mrs Byng went off to Verona by the morng train. I took a rest in bed only getting up for luncheon– In the afternoon I went across the canal to the English teacher’s club in a room of a small house in the Carta dell’Albero. The girls had invited me to tea with them. Mr & Mrs Price were there. I received in the evening but had not many people as Css Albrizzi had invited all Venice to hear a lecture on Venetian Palaces. The ladies here have not much of the usage du monde & do not scruple to do what is rather uncourteous & so the Css had chosen to have her party on the same night as I.

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